





不论是作为拥有大胆创意的钟表大师,还是作为具有永恒美感的珠宝大师,PIAGET伯爵都能巧妙捕捉到最细微的艺术灵感之光:从位于瑞士的诞生之地——仙子坡(La Côte-aux-Fées)的葱郁山岭,到心灵寄托之地——蔚蓝海岸(Côte d’Azur),PIAGET伯爵尽显奢华、优雅、精深与美感,矢志不渝追求独特风格,集结卓越群体力量。以经典传统承启摩登创新,以如一信念缔造先锋潮流!

作为非凡卓绝的钟表大师与珠宝大师,PIAGET伯爵一直秉承着以精湛技艺释放大胆创意的理念。在这一理念的启发下,PIAGET伯爵打造了全新品牌大片,重现品牌标志性风格,再造当代传奇,邀请人们肆意挥洒激情洋溢的人生,令Piaget Society的新成员沉醉于品牌绚丽丰富的奇思妙想之中。

全新品牌大片以耀眼夺目的别致造型、一目了然的独特风格、精心选用的模特阵容传递品牌的核心价值理念,还原品牌摩登现代、立体多面、文化多元、慷慨包容的内涵特质。模特Georgia Palmer和Signe Veiteberg是PIAGET伯爵的新面孔,她们充满现代美感,个性闪耀且拥有极具感染力的生活乐趣。

她们的大胆不羁与独特个性在知名摄影师Mikael Jansson的镜头下淋漓展现。这位光影大师与世界上诸多具有远见卓识的品牌有过多次合作。他才华横溢,摄影作品能够精准传达活泼鲜明与热情大胆的风格。在形象设计师Benjamin Bruno的协助下,Jansson精心呈现出愉悦欢乐、充满趣味的品牌大片,在这些照片中,人物和珠宝腕表作品都散发着耀眼光芒,展现出活力十足的乐观形象。


这种精神同样贯穿于珠宝腕表作品的呈现当中,PIAGET伯爵标志性的Possession时来运转系列,Altiplano至臻超薄系列,经典的Polo系列和精致醒目的宫廷式图腾装饰(Palace Decor)汇聚一堂,令极具代表性、造型惊艳并令人难忘的精致臻品跃然眼前。

次品牌大片打造了全新的视觉识别,它承载着关于独特风格、臻美作品和历史传承的故事(在品牌即将迎来150周年之际),将令PIAGET伯爵最大程度触达新的消费者。不断壮大的Piaget Society定将成为源源不断的灵感源泉,滋养品牌文化、工匠大师与品位卓绝的人士。

“深耕历史,创造未来”,正如PIAGET伯爵的首席执行官Benjamin Comar先生所言,此次品牌大片令PIAGET伯爵传奇标志性的品牌历史焕发全新光彩,呈现了根植于上世纪70年代及80年代的奢美华丽,并对未来进行了展望。“大片将传承自PIAGET伯爵发源地仙子坡(La Côte-aux-Fées)的优雅之美与二十世纪70年代的华丽夺目精妙融合,而PIAGET伯爵也正是在那个年代掌握了精湛的金工技艺与宝石技艺,并将此化为自身的DNA”Comar先生补充道,“每一件作品都彰显着品牌的精湛造诣、时尚品位、大胆创意、非凡工艺与卓越见地。”

对于今年早些时候加入PIAGET伯爵担任国际形象与传播总监的Fatti Laleh而言,此次拍摄全新品牌大片是一种复兴Piaget Society传统的现代方式。“我们的Piaget Society就是一项创意十足的举措。比社交媒体更重要的其实是社交本身,这个充满欢愉的群体无论在镜头内外都能与文化领袖、时尚先锋和摩登人士紧密连接。对于那些大胆不羁而又优雅精致,勇于追求特立独行的生活鉴赏家而言,Piaget Society就是他们的第二个家。这个群体拥有独一无二的集体能量,可以开启全新的视角,创造全新的空间,让永恒记忆与缤纷想象碰撞出灵感的火花。这些富有冲击力的照片就是最直接的例证,我们也特意确保了腕表和珠宝两个类别都得到充分平衡的展现。欢欣愉悦,奢美夺目,精致巧妙,这就是独一无二的PIAGET伯爵。”

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Master of craft and sophistication, Piaget is a lifestyle, an attitude that combines over a century-long expertise with an ever-renewed sense of joyfulness, conviviality, and extravaganza.

Watchmaker of audacity, jeweller of times, Piaget captures the subtle art of positive tensions: from its birthplace in Switzerland (in the mountain village of La Côte-aux-Fées) to its soulmate region of Côte d’Azur, the Maison displays extravagance and elegance, technicity and beauty, a love of singularity and a strong sense of community. Modern by tradition, avant-garde by conviction!

At Piaget, we believe that mastery liberates creativity: it is our philosophy as a remarkable watchmaker-jeweller.

It is with this in mind that we created this new brand campaign. Bringing back our Maison’s iconic relevance and recreating our myth for today, the campaign is an invitation to live an inspiring life, reminding the newcomers of the Piaget society of our rich and flamboyant ingenuity.

To represent these core values, we created a powerhouse look, an instantly recognizable and ownable style, carried out by a carefully chosen cast to authentically embody our brand: modern, multi-faceted, diverse and inclusive. With their modern beauties, radiating personalities and contagious joie de vivre, models Georgia Palmer and Signe Veiteberg are among the new faces of Piaget.

Their boldness and singularity are sublimated by the eye of iconic photographer Mikael Jansson, a master of light who has collaborated with the world’s most visionary brands. His talent shines through in the liveliness and audaciousness his images convey. With the help of image maker Benjamin Bruno, Jansson crafted beaming, fun images, in which people and products alike radiate with energy.

Using the Maison’s signature delicate, modern blue for the launch, the campaign will later reveal golden hues images. Playing with perspectives and scales, the images are a celebration of togetherness and shared joy. A unique dynamic, a joyful dialectic, where the singularity of each individual nourishes the vitality of the group.

In the same spirit, the iconic Possession jewellery line, the ultra-thin Altiplano watch, the classic Piaget Polo watch and the strong statement of the Palace Décor are all featured in a campaign that puts emblematic, strong and unforgettable creations at the forefront.

Creating a new visual identity that tells stories about style and products as well as heritage (in the wake of our 150th anniversary), this brand campaign will allow Piaget to reach out to new audiences wherever they might be. A guarantee that the ever-growing Piaget Society will remain an inspiration for the culture and those who make and enjoy it.

“Digging into the past to create the future”, as Piaget’s CEO Benjamin Comar puts it, this brand campaign sheds a new light on Piaget’s iconic history, rooted in the flamboyance of the 70s and 80s, to state what comes next. “The campaign mixes the sense of elegance inherited from the Maison’s origins in La Côte-aux-Fées with the extravaganza of the 1970s, when Piaget came to master the craft of gold work and made colorful stones part of its DNA, Comar adds. The creations displayed each symbolize the mastery of Piaget, its sense of chic, its boldness, its exceptional craftsmanship and its audacity.”

For Fatti Laleh, who joined Piaget earlier this year as International Director of Image and Communication, the campaign is a modern take on reviving the legacy of the Piaget Society. “Our Society is a creative movement. Social before social media, this joyful group whether in front or behind the camera connects cultural leaders, pioneers, and modern beauties. It is a home away from home for those who live boldly but with sophistication, those who dare to be rare. Its collective energy has the unique power to open new perspectives and create new spaces where memory and imagination collide. The result is very direct with impactful images, in which I carefully looked to equally valorize our watch and jewellery categories. It’s joyful, it’s extravagant. It’s sophisticated, it’s Piaget”.