

黃金如活水般流淌鑲嵌成河的寶石化身為活力盎然的飾品於肌膚上閃閃發光造型的獨創性呼應著紋理與色彩的精湛配搭散發出卓絕出衆的風華…… 伯爵的全新Metaphoria高級珠寶系列透過52件由自家工作坊製成的非凡作品展現出豐饒、生動、層層相映且光輝耀眼的自然意象。



伊芙•伯爵 (Yves Piaget) 於1969年推出「21世紀系列」作品,呈現其璀璨奪目、絢麗狂肆的珠寶時計;這些時計配備著鑲嵌裝飾寶石的錶盤,並結合以鐫刻黃金製成的長項鏈與寬帶手鐲,為伯爵風格定下了喜慶、獨創、優雅的基調。「試驗、創新精神和歡欣愉悅深植於伯爵的DNA之中,自1960年代起,品牌就敢於將珊瑚、綠松石和青金石引入其鐘錶創作及獨一無二的珠寶飾品中。」伯爵的首席執行官Benjamin Comar先生說道:「我們渴望將看似意想不到的材質應用於遵循高級珠寶規範而製成的作品中,這一直是我們品牌的核心特色。

2023年,「21世紀系列」以「Metaphoria」的形式呈現,巧妙隱喻著不斷蛻變中的自然生態。伯爵將這個由41件珠寶和11枚時計組成的系列分為Azureia和Beautanica兩大篇章,透過向其主要靈感來源——生機勃勃和光彩四射的大自然——致敬,表達出品牌對當代高級珠寶的展望。此般繁盛的創造力必須仰賴卓越技藝的支撐— 這些作品皆在伯爵的日內瓦工作坊中製成,其中單在高級珠寶工坊就動用了7種以上的專業工藝。這些非凡創作也在璀璨寶石的襯托下得到昇華,使Metaphoria系列具有無與倫比的獨特性與精緻性。






伯爵對大自然的呈現並不只局限於形象上的表現此次世家選擇了最具代表性的自然元素:海洋、山脈和森林的活力,此手法在其作品中十分稀有。「我們將重心放在可以喚起某些自然現象的細節上,例如瀑布的流動、太陽的輝映,藉以激發出一種特殊的情感。」伯爵的藝術總監Stéphanie Sivrière解釋道:「從昆蟲的鞘翅到珍貴的木材,所有使用的材質都經過精挑細選,賦予每件21世紀高級珠寶意想不到的活力。」 

從材質的對比到形狀與光影的撞碰、從流動感到不對稱性…… Metaphoria系列將伯爵風格的精髓展露無遺,以富有想像力的設計結合令人嘆為觀止的精湛技藝和對完美的不懈追求。





Aqua Summa系列作品完美散發出超凡雅致和風采。伯爵在此組作品中透過海藍寶石、Ayoka珍珠和明亮鑽石的罕見搭配勾劃出美輪美奐的冰霜意象。頸圈式項鍊具有隱形扣合裝置,襯托著梨形切割的天藍色海藍寶石,其中最大的一顆重達4克拉以上。 系列還包括一對耳環和一枚精緻的雞尾酒指環,白金指環鋪鑲著冰霜般的閃爍鑽石,並鑲嵌一顆12.48克拉的枕形切割海藍寶石作為主石。



在Alata系列中,伯爵將黃金、珍珠母貝和鑽石化身為樹葉,打造出豐盛華麗而不拘一格的項鍊、耳飾和腕錶作品。這款耳掛式耳環以黃金和鈦金屬打造而成,其上的葉片結集了鐫刻「宮廷式裝飾」(Decor Palace)的黃金、鍍金珍珠母貝、明亮的碎狀白金和鑽石,形成點綴耳際的壯麗首飾。伯爵珠寶師還設計了一款獨具個性的戒指,其葉片中心鑲飾著一顆2.23克拉的梨形切割美鑽。此項精湛的拼鑲工藝也應用於一款鑲飾珍珠母貝、鐫刻金質和馬眼形切割鑽石的寬帶手鐲腕錶上,其奢華絢麗的風采將伯爵盡善盡美的卓絕技藝展現無遺。








伯爵秉承其高級珠寶secret watch的傳統,推出品牌的標誌性作品之一──可顯示時間的Adrivea指環。隱藏於一顆10.88克拉凸圓形海藍寶石底下的鑽石錶盤散發出熠熠光芒,這件oversized尺寸作品的環身則裝飾著如波浪般排列的明亮圓形鑽石和藍色藍寶石,與錶盤輝光相映。


獨一無二的Foliatura珠寶時計鑲飾著一顆重達6.59克拉的枕形哥倫比亞祖母綠。其白金鐲身展現出令人驚豔萬分的卓絕工藝,將風格化的綠玉髓葉片和盤根錯節的鑽石排列於鐫刻著「宮廷式裝飾」(Decor Palace)的金質表面精湛地糅合在一起。錶盤被巧妙地設置在手鐲下方的環面,讓人可以細膩讀取時間。


最後, 伯爵為其“Métiers d’Art”腕錶賦予了與眾不同的全新設計。其Alitura腕錶的裝飾寶石馬賽克錶盤猶如珍貴的織品錦緞,而Undulata腕錶則匯集了多種令人驚嘆的材質。 如虹彩般層次細膩的綠色調錶盤是Rose Saneuil精心打造的作品,採用稻草、木材、皮革、羊皮紙和鞘翅拼組成鑲嵌圖案,並配備小時標記和超薄陀飛輪;此腕錶搭載伯爵製的670P機芯。兩個錶圈各別鑲飾了長方形和圓形切割鑽石使這件傑作熠熠生輝。

作為精彩的終結,伯爵為其著名的Black Tie枕形腕錶推出了一款鑲滿寶石的版本。該錶款因品牌的忠實客戶也是其Piaget Society成員之一的Andy Warhol而廣受歡迎。這件作品以木化石錶盤搭配鑲嵌長方形切割祖母綠的時標和錶圈。這款獨樹一幟的時計搭載著伯爵自製的超薄534P機械機芯,同樣是具有爆發性魅力的上乘之作。  



Gold that flows like water. Rivers of precious stones, in natural parures that shine against the skin. Made with remarkable artistry, these pieces’ unique shapes echo the masterful play of textures and colours... In the new high jewellery collection Metaphoria, Piaget imagines nature as a bold, generous presence, mirrored and highlighted by 52 exceptional pieces, crafted from start to finish in the Maison's ateliers.


In 1969, Yves Piaget unveiled his “21st Century Collection”, resplendent with wildly extravagant jewellery watches with ornamental stones set into their dials, as well as engraved gold sautoir and cuff watches. With this collection, he laid the groundwork for Piaget’s signature style. Festive, elegant, unique. “Experimentation, innovation and joy are part of the Maison’s DNA. From as early as the 1960s, Piaget dared to introduce coral, turquoise and lapis lazuli into watchmaking and into unique pieces of jewellery, observes Benjamin Comar, Piaget CEO. This desire to use unexpected materials in pieces created to high jewellery standards is still at the very core of our identity. “

In 2023, the “21st Century Collection” comes to life as “Metaphoria”, a dazzling metaphor for nature and its metamorphoses. With this collection of 41 pieces of jewellery and 11 watches, divided into two chapters, Azureia and Beautanica, Piaget expresses its vision of contemporary high jewellery by paying homage to its main source of inspiration: vibrant, radiant nature. This prolific creativity is paired with renowned savoir-faire - all the collection’s pieces are made in Piaget’s Geneva atelier, where there are over seven different jobs in the high jewellery atelier alone. The designs are further enhanced by the use of sublime gemstones, which endow Metaphoria with a unique spirit and sophisticated originality.



Metaphoria, a Manifesto


Far from limiting itself to a purely figurative interpretation of nature, rarely seen at Piaget, the Maison has selected the most emblematic elements of nature: the living energy of oceans, mountains and forests. “Our goal was to emphasise details that call to mind natural phenomena, such as the flow of a waterfall or the rays of the sun, while inspiring a particular emotion, explains Stéphanie Sivrière, creative director at Piaget. The materials we use, from insect elytra to precious wood, were selected to bring an unpredictable, living element to a piece of 21st century high jewellery. “ 

From contrasting materials to a play with form and light, from fluidity to asymmetry, Metaphoria is the epitome of the distinctive codes of Piaget’s style, in which imaginative design meets breathtaking savoir-faire and the unquenchable pursuit of perfection.



Strong Pieces, Unique Style


An icon of the Metaphoria collection, this Mineralis set is made up of jewellery that could have been seized straight from the rushing waters of a mountain river. Take for example this fabulous asymmetrical necklace, crafted from diamonds, sapphires, aquamarine and rock crystal.  Piaget jewellers pair the transparency of rock crystal – random crops of brilliance that line the edges of rivers – with flowing, intensely blue sapphires, whose inverted settings give the piece an ultra-modern look. Shining at the centre of this unique piece sits a lagoon-blue 13.25-carat cushion-cut aquamarine. The piece is matched by earrings and rings, one of which is set with a 4.1-carat Sri Lanka sapphire.


Extraordinary elegance exudes from this perfectly falling Aqua Summa set, in which the Maison conveys its vision of frost and ice with the unusual pairing of aquamarine with Akoya pearls and diamonds. The collar necklace, fully articulated with an invisible clasp, shows off cerulean pear-shaped aquamarines, the largest of which weighs over 4 carats. The piece can be matched with earrings and an exquisite cocktail ring, whose white gold body is paved with a frost of shimmering diamonds and is set with a 12.48-carat cushion-cut aquamarine.


With the Alata set, Piaget turns leaves into gold, mother-of-pearl and diamonds on pieces that are both rich and unstructured, in the shape of a necklace, earrings and a watch. Here is a gold and titanium “earcuff” on which gold leaves, engraved with the Decor Palace motif, gold mother-of-pearl, flecks of white gold and diamonds come together to dress the outer edge of the ear with a truly spectacular piece. Piaget jewellers also created a statement ring. On this piece, the leaf’s centre is embellished with a pear-shaped 2.23 carat diamond. The set is completed by a magnificent cuff watch, whose body is embellished with a marquetry of mother-of-pearl and engraved gold, blended with marquise-cut diamonds. A piece that proves Piaget’s perfect mastery over even the smallest of details.


For this Terrae parure, which shows off a strong design, Piaget drew inspiration from the colours of the forest, pairing the brown of tiger-eye and rutilated quartz with the green of tourmaline. The striking torque, marked with vertical rows of square tourmaline beads, boasts at its centre a cushion-cut tourmaline weighing close to 16 carats. A ring, a bracelet and earrings complete this powerful set.


One of the Maison’s key specialities, goldsmithery lies at the heart of Essentia with its collection of rose-gold and diamond jewellery, defined by natural lines. An iconic piece in this parure, the curb necklace is made up of oversized links whose irregular shapes recall that of driftwood found on the beach. Earrings and a wristwatch complete the set.


Following the tradition of high jewellery secret watches, the Maison is now unveiling one of its greatest signature pieces, Adrivea, a ring that tells the time. Under a 10.88-carat aquamarine cabochon, its dial shimmers with diamonds, joined by waves of shining stones and blue sapphires that adorn the setting of this oversized piece.


Another unique piece is Foliatura, a jewellery watch set with a magnificent cushion-cut Colombian emerald weighing 6.59 carats. Its white gold body reveals incredible craftsmanship, blending stylised chrysoprase leaves and intertwining diamonds against a backdrop of Decor Palace engraved gold. Ingeniously placed on the lower part of the band, the watch dial allows the wearer to read the time discreetly.


Finally, Piaget has given its “Métiers d’Art” timepieces an unusual new twist. Like Alitura and its mosaic dial made up of ornamental stones, which resembles precious damask fabric, the Undulata watch brings together surprising materials. Created by Rose Saneuil, the iridescent green dial bears a marquetry of straw, wood, leather, parchment and elytra, and houses an hour chapter and an extra-thin tourbillon, calibre 670P, all entirely made by Piaget. With its two circles of baguette-cut and brilliant-cut diamonds, this masterpiece radiates precision.

Last but not least, Piaget watchmakers present an ultra-jewelled version of the famous cushion-shaped Black Tie watch, made famous by one of the most loyal Piaget Society customers, Andy Warhol. The piece combines a petrified wood dial with a bezel and markers made of baguette-cut emeralds. This unique piece is powered by the Manufacture's extra-thin mechanical calibre 534P, the spark that ignites the fire.